Not sure what this means, but its weird.
Obviously, the comments are not removed, as I can see them. (even when I am signed out.)
Not sure what this means, but its weird.
Obviously, the comments are not removed, as I can see them. (even when I am signed out.)
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It doesn’t have anything to do with AutoModerator, but this looks to be an issue with caching.
Those comments are gone now. The website recently has become slower at removing content (probably a measure to make it less hard on the servers or something), I have seen several cases of plane- and forum posts recently where they were still accessible but already had the "Removed" label on them (and these posts were certainly removed by human moderators because I even saw the comments that the moderator left on them). Then a few minutes later, they were inaccessible.
So no, this is not the automoderator's issue (Andrew and the devs even explicitly stated that the automoderator will not remove anything, it will only flag potentially problematic content, but it's still the actual human moderators who do the removing), it's simply the website working somewhat slower (Im assuming it's by design, because otherwise everything else would be slower as well)
Edit: looks like it wasn't by design but an actual issue, my bad there
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@TheMouse ok
@TheMouse are you still active on SP?
@TheMouse hi
Who woke me up? (sorry if I made a comment that is to off-topic) edit: automoderator didn't took down my comment I deleted it
This should answer your questions.
the question is why yall are like graingy
funny enough I have photos of this happening, so that was happening
yeah recently SP has been breaking
Well, at least I did something useful lol.
I wonder if that will speed up at some point, as for certain forums, having them removed quickly would be a higher priority than others. (Spam bots, etc)
Yeah, thats what I was thinking as well.
My only theory is that for some reason, istead of just the moderators being able to see which posts the AutoModerator wanted to remove, everyone can see them.
Either that, or Andrew changed something that has to do with how posts are removed, and now they are not actually hidden at all.
I am probability wrong though.
@TheMouse Nope, beyond the hunch that it's probably linked to the automod somehow because it just started happening after the automod was deployed.
Any idea why it is occurring?
Have noticed this as well.
Your active right now...
Is this popping up for you?