Can’t show pictures, unfortunately, as PlayStation seems to have no straightforward way of sending screenshots to another device. At least, not without a USB drive. Maybe I’ll post later, took a bunch of in-progress shots.
With outline it’s 102 meters tall (logo itself is 100) and I was sure to put it in the most obnoxiously visible spot in a very old creative world dating back to the PlayStation 3.
Elegantly captioned above “BUY OUR SHIT!!!”
I truly am an artist.
huh, interesting XD
You have a PS too? Nice
@Graingy that’s fair lol
@Strucker it does, but there’s some sign up stuff I couldn’t be bothered to deal with.
This world was originally created on a shared account anyways (and remains so), so it’s not fully mine. I don’t have the opportunity to use it often because of this, like ever, so I made good use of my time.
Pretty sure Playstation has an app, which can receive screenshots from the console if you “send to app”. I’ve used it to get videos and screenshots before.
(Not sure if this is available to all playstations tho)
It looks downright majestic in the distance, uncouth as the caption may be.