So here is the Mig-29 I'm working on with the ability to quickly convert to another variant, going from a Mig-29 Type A to a Mig-29 Type UB just by hitting AG-4
So here is the Mig-29 I'm working on with the ability to quickly convert to another variant, going from a Mig-29 Type A to a Mig-29 Type UB just by hitting AG-4
@L1nus that would be really interesting. Cool! I'll look forward to it <3
Yeah i want to add customize ability to my newer aircrafts @LunarEclipseSP
@L1nus w, what!? Bruh... Quick conversion lmao
@LunarEclipseSP yeah, just hit AG-8 to change between them
Coming in both single and dual seater version?
Will there be a fixed mobile version? Carrying an entire extra cockpit sounds expensive from a performance perspective.
@TwoTurboMan 1400
@Graingy yeah
@L1nus How many parts will it have?
@L1nus Are the cockpits stowed with no collision?
oh okkk
@SuperSuperTheSylph wanted to release 2 builds in 1
@OrangeConnor2 yes, the plane switches Variant types based on an AG press
I'm actually impressed
no one has ever thought about this before lol
Crazy impressive! A real two-in-one build! T!
@L1nus I see you’ve changed and added some pictures.
So those cockpits can switch in-flight, is what you’re saying?
That's a nice looking fulcrum <3
I'll look forward to it!
@L1nus Oh awesome!
@OrangeConnor2 hot swapping a top of piece of the airframe
@jamesPLANESii check images
@jamesPLANESii they will
What if it also had both interiors 🤔