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How do I make a radar screen

147 Yoinkus  20 hours ago

How do I convert the piston and rotator into a screen?

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    147 Yoinkus

    @hpgbproductions Thanks :)

    22 minutes ago
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    147 Yoinkus

    @Axartar Thank you

    22 minutes ago
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    22.2k Axartar

    I agree with hpgbproductions, feel free to try using the target variables, you can use the scalar product to help find directionality, distance is the easy bit.
    its easier to nab someones stuff, make sure to credit them though

    +2 9 hours ago
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    If your plane always remains level:
    Easy to do with TargetHeading, TargetElevation, TargetDistance, TargetSelected. The heading and elevation variables are in world space, and can easily be converted to local space.
    If your plane can pitch and roll (i.e., is actually a plane or something):
    Probably just nick an auto-aim code to convert those world space angles into local space.
    Once you have local space angles, they can drive horizontal and vertical pistons.

    +3 18 hours ago