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109 stuffs + help pls

64.8k Mal0ne  21 days ago

anyone willing to take a look at + fix some flight model characteristics of this mf pls let me know. veering off runway, stalling weirdly, unrecoverable pitching etc lmao

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    65.6k Erc90F4RU

    @Mal0ne oh alright, gotchu

    16 days ago
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    64.8k Mal0ne

    @Erc90F4RU I got some help from silverstar and ive already started doing seperate paint schemes, so its probably not worth to try tweaking it anymore

    16 days ago
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    65.6k Erc90F4RU

    I can try fix flight model
    But.... It's then gonna be very arcade+meh in realistic (+10G experience is pretty normal)

    Maybe I'd remake my Bf-109, but me really want know how to build correct canopy...

    However, me currently working on Soviet rocket plane (yeas... It's Bi-1)

    17 days ago
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    2,353 FlyOnTheWall

    @Mal0ne I've went to very detailed extremes of checking every part and measurement, tried free handing both halves, but once this issue manifested, it has not gotten any better. I play on 2 devices with the same version and loaded the crafts on the lesser used device and they seem to operate just fine. All game settings are the same and I have wind off. I'm really starting to believe that it is an old data cumulative sums bug within the game build. Without a pc, I'm not really able to assess this to factually merit the claim. My Hololens2 only allows access to limited data of connected devices so its not really useful either...

    19 days ago
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    64.8k Mal0ne

    @FlyOnTheWall the mirroring function is imperfect and will still cause drag imperfections. you need to remove all drage using xml editing then add drag to some parts symmetrically manually

    19 days ago
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    2,353 FlyOnTheWall

    @Mal0ne I typically build my crafts as only one half with the Cockpit on center and use the mirror craft function + recheck all connections and expressions on mirrored parts to ensure correctness. ""OCD"" is an understatement. Yet still happens. I'll see if one of my devices can handle recording a quick build and flight. I'll try when I get the free time over the next day or two.

    19 days ago
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    64.8k Mal0ne

    @FlyOnTheWall constant rolling is probably an issue of assymetrical drag.

    +1 20 days ago
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    2,353 FlyOnTheWall

    I'm not sure if it is game mechanics or something getting strange because I've had this same issue happen very recently even after building new crafts and reloading the game + cache cleaning etc. I'm trying to pin it down but I'm having a suspicion that it has to do with what was previously loaded. As in the garbage collection and sanitizing scripts for the game environment engine or assets w/e isn't effectively happening so it is somehow piling up or combining these leftover metrics and it's affecting the future crafts. This seems to be getting more frequent and harder pull, non responsive flight issues as well as touch input is starting to lag or just not account for a touch at all, which wasn't present on first few hundred flights but it's now annoying. Especially when you are back and forth between editor and testing in game and you make an adjustment to a variable setter expression that doesn't have any effect on the craft(changing AG1 to AG2 for a cargo door hinge rotator for ex.) But yet from that point forward, every runway take off pulls hard to the right and in flight has a continuous roll slowly clockwise... I noticed earlier that if you move the camera back and forth across the center of the craft while in chase cam view, will actually cause the craft to shiver a little when on suspension(didn't check without). It is quick but the fact that it is affected like the view has a mass with density that interacts with the environment.... console shows no errors etc.

    20 days ago
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    64.8k Mal0ne

    @XEPOH @Theinfinite I got some help guys. I appreciate the thought though <3

    +1 20 days ago
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    I could take a look

    20 days ago
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    And if you could a link could help

    20 days ago
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    Can I help you ? I know what to do

    20 days ago
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    16.5k SilverStar

    Awesome! I would like to help you for your flying model. You can contact me on discord.

    +1 20 days ago