Just curious, I finished my first tank ever yesterday and that rugged beast made the long journey without damage! It was fun! XD
Has anyone driven a ground vehicle from Yeager Field to Bandit Airport?
5,802 DragonAerotech
9.0 years ago
i have but 5 minute later im noticed i dont know my direction, and 30 minute later i ran out of fuel goddamnit
With a train
i did in my own car
Yep. With this thing by Delphinus.
@Razor228 try my little car!
i have! in my little car...
I have, just I needed to restart after it ran out of fuel
I have, when the new island came out.
I tried multiple times with various vehicles but I always get lost sometime after each bridge (From the different airports)
I just made a car that can make the journey on land AND sea!
done it
I've done it in a car I've been working on for a few months now, not quite ready for upload, but I may rush it for this challenge if it becomes a thing. I've gotten familiar with the paths largely by flying my micro planes through and around it...
I have
I've done it more that once in this car.
Done it, in many different Heeps.
@bskngshrk Feel free to set up the challenge and I'll submit it. I've got a ton of stuff to upload already for a SimplePlanes challenge of sorts.
@Bravon Exumer's car? I'll have to take a look at that, might be good for future reference!
@Aviation 10 minutes flat?! lol Took me a bit longer as I didn't know the way and didn't know what routes led to water, the maze or Bandit plus considerations for the terrain itself. I said it was rugged but it isn't a solid canopy! XD
Yup. 10 minutes I'm not getting back
@Thefalloutplayr I didn't go without restarting at the place the kicking fish got wrecked but I got there.
I did it (by accident) I was driving to the volcano when I went over the bank and couldn't get back up so I said screw it and dove to bandit going 90 mph
Did it once with a small rover at 20mph.