6,436 Razr

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joined 9.8 years ago

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I love building boats. Although my builds aren't the most detailed, I will upload what I think is the best. My typical posting time is 3:00 pm est every weekend day if I have something to post, I sometimes post at 8:00 pm est on weekdays (for school purposes).

I heavily use parts that other people have created (part due to my building ability). The nationality of my builds are Canadian or American unless the post says otherwise.

My builds look and perform their best on high physics and Static-High on aircraft reflections. If their is something, I think you could improve on, I'll let you know. Also, if you want to increase your chances of getting an upvote/Spotlight from me, add a description, a great description can really add value to the creation.

My most popular series is the WrathForce Dropships (American), a fictional military program by the U.S Air Force and the Navy.

The upcoming Raptor series (undecided nationality) is going a Advanced Weaponry and technology fighter boats.

The World War II WrathForce ships (Canadian) are "sidekick" ships that fight along the main battleships.

My cars that I make excel at climbing at mountain climbing (the climber shock is the only exception).

The last series is Walrus Aircraft Co Commercial Boats, they perform and are built like airliners but are boats, and are usually rear mounted twin engined.

I also have the rare oddity that doesn't fit in to any series, my tournament planes and things that just screw with physics.