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A350 Photo Album

25.2k kikasshes  8.7 years ago

This will be the last post about the A350, because it is finished. (And you can download it here.)

The story begins with BaconAircrafts' airliner challenge. I chose between some airliners and ended up deciding to build an A350.

After finding blueprints and information on the plane I started building. My goal was to make it as accurate as possible, so I started with a round fuselage (parts to make your own round fuselage):

I finished the fuselage, made the tail section and made an engine and a gear bogie (you can actually download the bogie here.):

Then I went on and gave the main wing depth and added the airbrakes:

Soon after the mechanisms for the flaps were installed:

I attached the engines, made the ailerons and decided on a colour scheme:

Next up to be attached was the gear:

Now it was only details left (windows and SAS text) but here I decided to stop and make one more mobile friendly version while the part count still was low. The mobile friendly version can be downloaded here. Then I added the windows and doors:

Lastly I struggled with the SAS text, but I finally got it looking really good.

Photos Of The Finished A350

The A350 in its finished glory.

Taking off.

Picture from the side at cruise flight.

Coming in for a landing.

Showing the air brakes.

Closeup from the side.

The A350-900 XWB looks cool.

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    1,090 adrian0208

    just a picture…😔

    1.8 years ago
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    Were these the blue prints or did you build this? If you built this then… 😱😱😱🤯🤯!!!… if these are the blueprints they look pretty cool!

    2.4 years ago
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    25.2k kikasshes

    @HKAerodynamics Thanks!

    8.7 years ago
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    Wow! Looks perfect! Well done!

    8.7 years ago
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    25.2k kikasshes

    @SilentRecom Parts like this.

    8.7 years ago
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    Wow, what a great development process, and how did you make such a beautiful fuselage?

    8.7 years ago