21.2k HKAerodynamics

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joined 9.1 years ago

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Hello there, I'm HKAerodynamics, also known as LtSkitzune on Steam. I started playing Simpleplanes back in 2016 on my little android tablet as a kid, spending thousands of hours on what I still consider to be my favorite game of all time. Things ground to a halt however when my tablet, with all of the builds and subassemblies that I haven't uploaded or backed up broke on me quite a few years ago. Even though I ended up buying a gaming laptop and purchasing Simpleplanes once again on PC, I didn't have the same enthusiasm to play it as I once did as a kid, mostly on account of the time that had passed, feeling intimidated by all the new changes and features, and having to re-learn my production pipeline on PC, which I never really got around to. However, with the release of Juno, I have the opportunity to get a fresh start on something in the same vein as Simpleplanes!

I likely won't be spending much time on Simpleplanes in the future. You can find me over on the Simplerockets website, where I'll be more active from here on out.