I have always wanted a sandbox game, like SimplePlanes for a long time. I found this game a long time ago on youtube, and I became ADDICTED. I mean addicted. My current hours played are around 130 hours including on the app store, I got the wrong version the first time. (face palm) I loved this game so much that I bought a new version for new features and updates. I got so ecstatic when I saw this game would support cars with the new update coming 4/15. This is what we need. We need devs who listen to their fans, cough Treyarch cough. Now that we are supporting cars, means we may need a new name for this game, or a subtitle. For example,
SimpleVehicles or SimplePlanes
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This would show that the game supports more than planes. It may even attract more of a variety of fanbases, cars and planes fanbases would colide, FLYING CARS! When the update comes out, I'm creating that! I CALL DIBS.
Thanks for being great developers!
SimplePlanes Community.
@xEliteGamingx Me too.
It's ok. I wish we could have a sarcasm tag to add in text. Lol@TheTMac
@xEliteGamingx The times when both people are joking, but both dont know the other is. I wasnt being completely serious either. If only you could hear my tone of voice:( Sorry
@Matt7709 lol
@TheTMac I was joking. I was saying since cars and planes would collide we could make flying cars.
@HellFireKoder Oh yah I saw after I posted the comment
you should also look at
"from the depths"
I am not good with cosmetics.
I want take a lambo that someone made and turn the folding doors into wings.
this game should be called simplethings
Remind me why we cant all make flying cars. I was thinking about it as soon as I read cars would be supported.
lol @Matt7709
or simplepains. i have pain in my head after playing.
@xEliteGamingx It has the new wheels and stuff, in the steam beta ;)
Dibs on flying cars? I already did that!, Though I'm sure I wasn't the first.