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Questions about AI Planes...

8,632 BeryllCorp  8.9 years ago

@AndrewGarrison, @joeysellers, @PhilipTarpley, @KevinMurphy

  • What are the requirements needed for a plane to spawn in sandbox?
  • Why is there only up-to 3 planes at the same time even with "Dense" traffic
  • How are planes selected? Twin Prop and TutorialPlane are everywhere, sometimes there would be Enemy, P-51, and Lightning. Other times there is this rare F-18. And on the rarest ai spawn of all is one of my planes.
  • Why is TutorialPlane is spawned? Is this a bug?
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    1,575 THEOKPILOT

    @BeryllCorp yes it does. And in that case, the limit should be much more if the panel do nothing more than aesteitcs.

    6 months ago
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    @SpartanDelta1 same

    1.5 years ago
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    140 NWRDAN72

    @Alanthelegendaryfighter YES

    3.2 years ago
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    Weird, one of the planes I’ve made is the most common one for the ai to spawn

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    94.3k winterro

    @PhilipTarpley maybe you can ask the devs to make a ai settings? like if there is a setting that makes ai always spawn agressive, wich planes spawn and what part or winglimits it has. then it would be more fun. like if someone does roleplay, maybe he only wants to make airliners spawn.

    +2 4.3 years ago
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    3,616 Kya

    Same @kingofcreepers

    7.4 years ago
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    i see 2-5 planes with dense on.

    8.5 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp
    +2 8.8 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp

    Thank you @PhilipTarpley

    8.9 years ago
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    @BeryllCorp That is a very good probably does include structural panels, but should not. I'll check it out.

    I'm not sure about upping the wing count, we want the sandbox ai to have as little impact on fps as possible.

    8.9 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp

    @PhilipTarpley Thank you! This clears thing up.

    I'm okay with the 150 parts limit but only 7 wings? In my opinion this should be increased to at least 10 wings.

    more Q
    - does the wing limit include structural panels?

    8.9 years ago
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    I made a change (which is in the current beta) to never load planes with over 7 wings, or 150 parts...I just thought the fps load was probably so much that a lot of people may turn the AI off. We don't currently allow more than 3 for the same reason.

    The planes are selected at random.

    Loading the built-in planes is not a bug...they could have better names though. There are probably a lot more of them that are small enough to be loaded, so they might show up more often though.

    The first time it loads a plane it runs a "flyability" test. It tries to do a 180deg turn then fly toward a point...if it can't make it for whatever reason, it marks it as unflyable, and won't spawn it again...unless you make changes to the will try again after that.

    8.9 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp

    @AndrewGarrison, @joeysellers, @PhilipTarpley, @KevinMurphy

    +1 8.9 years ago
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    @BeryllCorp If the plane can't stay in the air for more then 90 seconds the game will never use it again

    8.9 years ago
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    8,632 BeryllCorp

    @SimpleTechAndResearch Thank you! I know where to locate the planes folder. What I want to know is how the game chooses what plane to spawn because I noticed if one plane is spawned from the beginning (like a pesky twin prop) then that plane will continue to be spawned all throughout the game,

    8.9 years ago
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    1:The Plane Must Be under 300 Parts
    2:Don't know
    3:Those planes are hidden in folders

    +1 8.9 years ago