Before I start, I'm in 7th grade.
On Tuesday I was touring ERAU at Prescott. For the Discovery Flight, I climbed into a Cessna 172 Skyhawk. I was thrilled when the instructor told me that I was going to get to fly for most of the flight! So once we flew into the training grounds, the instructor, Jake, let go of the yoke and told me to keep focused on something in the distance, and try to keep headed toward that, he also asked me to turn many times. Jake told me to make a 180 and head back toward the airport. I was sad that the ride was over, but thrilled. When we landed, I checked my phone for the time. I was flying for over an hour!!! It was an amazing, educational experience, and I now know where I want to go to school.
@Stegoraptorex owh what a "great" "teacher"
Cool! I wanted to join the air force, but sadly i cant because of certain medical conditions i have. @AceOfSpade
@Stegoraptorex dayum son
Ps I'm in 8th grade
I actually want to join the USAF. @Mox
@Stegoraptorex Or
"How are you this smart?"
"Did you doubt me *?!?"
Lol @Flightsonic
@Stegoraptorex "How are you this smart"... "I'm not stupid that's for sure"
@Stegoraptorex @Flightsonic 😂😂😂
@Mox Haha!
@Stegoraptorex Lol
@Flightsonic @Stegoraptorex ikr. It has to be the worse. Next time just draw a d**k. That'll teach her not to call you up 😈
@Stegoraptorex I think you may have an addiction to planes... I'm not sure. But I hate teachers who do that... lets embarrass the kid so he won't do it again
Tanks!!! @AceOfSpade
@Flightsonic I've only been flying once, and that was the flight to start a new life...
Congrats mate!
@Flightsonic 😔
Lol I'm in 7th grade two (heck! I could be in collage if they'd let me advance, but that's a rant for another time) and I've always wanted to fly... but the closest I've ever came was flying to Florida
My dream job
Haha right. And his favorite book of the bible is 'two' Colossians. @Glaceon
@Mox Small loan of a million dollars.
@Mox Yea.
I cant wait til '21. (My freshman year of college) @HiILikePie
Unless you're Donald trump @Glaceon
Wow @JacobHardy64