I made all my AI planes to carry one missile but not one of them actually use them. There would be no missile locks sound from them. They could use guns fine though..
When manually spawning AI planes while driving a car, ship or just flying really low the AI is sometimes spawned underwater.. seemes fixed in latest bugfix update
When you provoke an AI with a missile lock they became hostile. then they chase you and if you traveling in a straight line they will collide with you! this behavior is also present in dogfight mode so I'm not surprised if it is still the case in sandbox mode.
When you press "Despawn all" it does not despawn all AI planes, 1 plane would always remain. You have to press it again so all 3 planes will despawn.
and another thing thats bothering me. The 2 escort Destroyers are limited to just 8 missiles each and they cant even launch these from the front (which is understandable because of the missile turrets position in the ship).... BUT!! the missile turrets in Snowstone does not run out of missiles ever.....
@EternalDarkness I did. Actually i dodged them using a slow unmanuverable TBD Devastator, but it worked.
I can’t even spawn AI
@Blazeinfinity also o uses my unposed down force car that let's me climb upside down and walls and just drove on in
Annihilator 86 will help you @jamesPLANESii
It seems like there are many ways to destroy those turrets @Warbrine
@EternalDarkness yeah I just put flew 2 k got on a straight line dropped a bunch of boom 50 and hauled my * out of there
@Warbrine I did that too. I used my old Barracuda missile sistem.
@EternalDarkness if you want to destroy then easily make a mini kamakazi drone that you can boom 50 it @BoxGlow
@jamesPLANESii hey I would boom 50 them every time you want to explore then done
@BoxGlow you can always brag that you sneaked up to undermountain docks without being noticed by ice base defenses
@EternalDarkness but... the bragging rights..... just kidding.. thats actually genius!
@BoxGlow make a submarine. If the cockpit is under water, missiles can't lock on to you. That's how I did it. Another option is to put the cockpit in the underwater part of the ships hull.
@jamesPLANESii Thats my problem too.. until now i still dont have the undersea dock location in my list because I want to strictly use a ship to unlock that place. I made a ship which could do possibly do that but the missile spam is killing me halfway through the river.
I wish we could stop the missiles at Snowstone. I'm trying to explore it but all the missiles ate blowing me up! It's annoying!
Yikes, we need spray for all these bugs... Erm... Hope developers catch them?