Golly! I have been waiting for this update for ages and I thought it would be out in 9 days from now but I guess they moved it up. Regardless. I am so excited for this update and I look forward to building many new things and exploring many new regions!
@BlueskyINC uh no.
@HKAerodynamics cool! any crude directions for me?
@HKAerodynamics In the PC Version
@BlueskyINC @SimpleTechAndResearch @DALS2016KillShot86 there is a sand island called Maywar island.
@DALS2016KillShot86 It would lag so hard on mobile then
@BlueskyINC No:(
is there a sand island?
Look here to find where Sky park city Now why did that attempt to autocorrect to "Skua"
Also you can sink ships now!!!