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Alternate WWII

41.5k MrVaultech  8.8 years ago


Alternate History

World Conflict

England, as an English man would put it; a bloody mess. The central part of England has become a "no man's land", the southern part was reclaimed by Germany, and the North claimed by the Allies; US Canada and England. Next to nothing besides small squads of infantry make it through no man's land to the other side, rarely making it back. Both sides building fortifications along it, creating trench warfare all over again (Bet England regrets not making the TOG II now). Several attempts have been made to claim more land past the center, but all met the same end; failure... until now...

The Germans has developed a new tank...
A formidable brother of the Panzer VIII...
The Maus Ausf. B! Several emerged across the center, destroying everything (including roads).
With this new weapon, the Germans have become near unstoppable in England (If only some were directed towards Norway)...

Further south, Iraq has faced the wrath of a once neutral country; Saudi Arabia. Iraq invaded their oil fields to help the Axis, only got them to retaliate, invading Iraq. The unexpected turn has caused a surprise among Iraqi troops. Hopefully this doesn't predict their future...

While Iraq is working out their issues, Cuba has made a move! Cuba invaded Honduras and Belize, and began an attack on Mexico on its southern border.
A bit more south, Brazil is dominating the neutral countries, but is encountering issues with Paraguay, Suriname and French Guinea.
This totals up the chaos of the world...

The Allies can build jets using the Blasto J15, J50, and J90 engines

The Axis can build jets using the Blasto J15, J50, J90, and BFE150 engines

The Axis
Germany- General360, MrVaultech, MrSilverWolf, Supermini555, SimpleTechAndResearch, NIGHTWING1, Earthbenderrwefa, VladCelTroll, Flyingtacos, WahrscheinlichIch, ConnorLynch, DESTROX25, ErnstHeinkel16,
Japan- ElGatoVolador, Waemoth, Himynameiswalrus, CarlosDanger13, TehNewDucky, Solarisaircraft, Blazeinfinity, TheMajesticWalrus, Polandball, VianAirIndustries, Arcues, MikuKat
Spain- TempestAviation, jdulmer,
Finland- ValtsuAircraftIndustries, Oni789, DragonAerotech, Dredex,
Italy- amazingperson124, OtterOfToast,
Brazil- LegnaK, SimpleKingdomAerialTesting,
Cuba- KerlonceauxIndustries,
Madagascar- Johndfg,
Panama- DestinyAviation,
Bulgaria- Jackie,
Thailand- ACMECo1940,

The Allies
UK- PlanesOfOld, SKUNKWORKS123, AwesomeDesign717, Skyfalcon, LeHoneyBadger, Tully2001,
USA- Mod, Luke92778, Thefalloutplayr, HiILikePie, GriffithAir, Hazard862, Jolteon, Static, ThunderstormAerospaceIndustries, Bluerobot11, InternationalAircraftCompany, GravityGun913, Somberbask, KennethPlaysGames, Noman0rumeral, ErvenDynamics, SteadfastContracting, TheBroadside, TheRubyArmy1134, Huhama USSR- Samwise, bspboy, AnarchistAerospaceIndustries, IStoleYourMeme, Redlord, Benkelmans, MrBackstabby,
Australia- PINK, Glaceon, XjayIndustrys, KnightOfAraluen, RMark1,
Ireland- RhysBrown, DUNHAMAEROTECH,
China- Liquidfox, BaconAircrafts, Ihatelava123, LoadingCheese,
India- Gmanndo1000, AviownCorp,
New Zealand- Stickman, Sharkie, jamesPLANESii,
Canada- AviariusAeroSpace,TehDuck, Tona01, Thehtmguy, Gmanndo1000, SkrillEclipse, Seabo14, Razr, BlackTech, jimaerospace, Supercraft888, Warmelon, SHCow

Neutral Countries
Switzerland- GearGuy123, Evpira, GreyHawkIndustries, MoxIsLost,

Pick which country you want, there can be more than 1 user per country.
Simple say in the comments which country you'd like then I'll gladly change it for you.
You must build a regular WWII style plane whether it be real or a fictional plane and may be your company that made it.
Due to recent advancements jets have afterburners and are able to go 1200mph max
No VTOL engines or VTOL aircraft except Helicopters are allowed.
UNLESS The VTOL engines are used to power ships then they may be used.
Modding is allowed, modding engines to be weaker is allowed as well, but modding engines to be more powerful isn't allowed at all.
All bombs are accepted, but no miniguns, the only rockets allowed are the air to ground or ground to ground katyusha style unguided missiles, so build any type of WWII looking Aircraft, Landcraft, or Watercraft.

When you have built your RP aircraft, tag me in the comments and I'll be sure to favorite it and tally up how the next battle will go!

Also, updates are going to be Mondays

Bright Red-Axis Superpower
Dark Red-Allied with or occupied by Axis
Light Grey-Neutral
Dark Grey-Contested
Light Blue-Allied Superpower
Dark Blue-Allied with or occupied by Allies

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  • Profile image
    41.5k MrVaultech

    Thats neat

    1.7 years ago
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    7,935 Pilotgoose

    I did do an alt history Ww2 like an axis won thing

    1.7 years ago
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    Ummm...I thought it was still running but I had a suspicion it was closed. Sorry to waste your time, happy flying

    6.2 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    You know this RP closed almost 2 and a half years ago, right...?

    6.2 years ago
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    What engines do neutral nations hav? And if they can use blastos BFE150 engines I’m in as the region of Antarctica.

    6.2 years ago
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    I have Mexico

    6.8 years ago
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    Is there a allied Norway?

    8.7 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Oh, I see what you mean. That was something I was trying to do,,but it didn't work.

    8.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech


    8.8 years ago
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    South America will now feel the wrath of the T-81

    8.8 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @lDragonAerotech the superwepon is just a giant drill with a bomb

    8.8 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    @MrVaultech (•ω•) thank you

    8.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Yes, you can

    8.8 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    Can i join Japan? @MrVaultech

    8.8 years ago
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    @MikuKat To draw his attention to posts like your's, make sure you call him out specifically so he's notified. I'm sure there wouldn't be any issue with you building for Japan. ^_^

    8.8 years ago
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    @MrVaultech Due to the ban on chemical, biological and other indiscriminate killing weapons we of the axis are planning to unleash our Amoeboid weapon upon North America, Australia and New Zealand. Code named: The Blob, it reproduces through cellular division, reproduces faster the hotter it is, slows down but does not freeze until at -20 degrees F and is drawn towards mixtures of carbon, iron and the compound H2O to feed - namely nearly any animal on the continent. The only known element that is toxic towards this new amoeboid yet found is Iridium and must cover the entire surface of the creature that lives and moves in colonies that can be as large as a Zepplin to as small as a penny in retaliation for any other similar weapons that could destroy large populations. @Bluerobot11 XD (Obviously, tongue in cheek.)

    8.8 years ago
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    3,895 Bluerobot11

    @MrVaultech America is developing a superwepon that will "open the gates of hell" this weapon will be called the geo-fracturer and will hopefully bring about the distrruction of the axis ( however to make one geo-fracturer, is hell'a expensive $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) note, it's only a big drill with a bomb

    8.8 years ago
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    @MrVaultech There's always more to discover, a different facet unseen - one can search for the entirety of the truth in a matter over the course of a lifetime and it wouldn't be wasted; Nor would you be able to uncover everything either. There would still be more to find for those who join the search later. ^_^

    8.8 years ago
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    5,078 MikuKat

    Can i join Japan?

    8.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I should look around more...

    8.8 years ago
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    @MrVaultech You just have to know what to look for. A commonly accepted myth was that the US was the first nation to break the sound barrier. Numerous accounts from Luftwaffe pilots of controls becoming sluggish or even frozen at a certain point in their velocity, followed by a shudder in the airframe, and suddenly being able to use the controls of their Me-262s again have been made. Although these accounts are identical in description to the effects of approach and breach of the sound barrier, because they did not have air speed indicators that went that high on the Me-262, it is conveniently left out of history. There's actually quite a lot of history you will not find by merely looking up the topic, you need to look for specific events, places and so on. There are a couple of chapters in the Holocaust itself you will not find in the history books outside of Israel but if you look up the specific events you can find the details. It's like hiding facts in plain sight. Working on my next Finnish product I was looking at a 1941 map of Canada showing population density/distribution. Then I looked into specific air bases on both the East and West coast, history of RCAF squadrons, locations of major industries in Canada and the Northeastern US, etc. You find all sorts of off the wall details. As for Germany's post war plans its something that wasn't widely distributed in the West but every schoolchild in Eastern Europe would know, at least, parts of it. Look up Siege of Leningrad, for info there. Look up History of Estonia, World War II, for details there. Any demographic of Estonia will tell you of the indigenous peoples' relation to the Finns. For Karelia, look up German post-war plans for the Ukraine and Russia specifically. Karelia, or Karjala in Finnish, has been cut up and divided many times - including at the end of the real WW2. The territory Finland was forced to cede to the Soviets was added to another part of Karelia that had been a part of Russia since the days of Imperial Russia. Yet today another part of Karelia still belongs to Finland. lol (Confusing, isn't it?) As far as the policy regarding Switzerland, this page gives a step by step of how Switzerland nearly got roped into the war one way or the other and defends their neutral stance. Wiki is not a strong source, though they cite ample sources but a lot of info about the German's feelings towards Switzerland on this page. If you want more sources for that, they're ample. On that same page at the bottom there is a link to The Greater Germanic Reich which erroniously shows all of Ingria, Karjala and Northern Sweden as being in German hands as where other sources clearly indicate that Hitler felt that Karjala was of no value for German colonization. This site also talks about the plan to incorporate Sweden and the plan for what to do with Northern Sweden; Sources cited.

    8.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I understand, but I find it most odd that I've been studying WWII for years, but the stuff you've been mentioning I've never heard or learned of.

    8.8 years ago
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    @MrVaultech I apologize if the long articles on bits of history are annoying. As one who is sincerely interested in history and how things may have played out if one event or another had gone differently my instincts as a writer go crazy. Anytime I'm working with historical matters I dig deep into every source of history I can find to understand as many facets of it I possibly can to get a more clear picture of the scenario. This has no bearing on your' story, how its written, what has or what hasn't happened though. I just thought I would share.

    8.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Thanks for the highly in depth info.

    8.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Yeah, sure, lemme just find someone on it...

    8.8 years ago
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