I scaled a Boom 50 by 50. My game crashed.
Also, I tried modding an engine by adding the power multiplier by 100. The plane flies, but it suddenly started shaking in around 5000 mph and blasted to 2 million mph. My game crashed. Again.
What's yours?
What is the dumbest thing you've ever done in SP out of sheer boredom?
27.4k JovianPat
8.8 years ago
This one time, I tried to take a Massive Boom 50, and spawn it in the volcano, so it would look like it was erupting. The chunks of ground that flew out from the explosion were bigger than Krakabloa it'self, and My whole Ipad crashed. (The bomb it'self was bigger than the Volcano, and I still laugh at the fact that I even thought about doing this.)
I decided to land a bomber fully loaded with bombs in the secret base (ish) in snow stone island. Wasted an hour.
@JovianPat I remade and uploaded the bomb launcher if you're interested.
I the spacecraft of of Independence day
@TTHHSSSS That's pretty cool actually XD
Well, I decided to make this out of a MASSIVE gun: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/8vtMK4/Classified-Super-Cannon
Ironically, it was my most successful SP creation ever by far! (788 downloads lol)
@BroPlanes Negative weight causes the centre of mass to be pushed away from that part, and the physics engine doesn't know what to do when the CoM is far away from your plane. This result is glitchy camera, random exploding, and other stuff.
@BroPlanes why what?
I made this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/blU1a9/Sno-Mine-Mk-1
I made a Flying Bed lol
I tried making a giant cube.
@Treadmill103 it never happen
I tried to build the spruce goose. Didnt work so well. 😃
@HakkeAirTech lol that isn't a dumb thing, it's awesome!
I once made a turret that could hurl bombs from Island to Island with pinpoint accuracy.
@dzulfikar lol xD
i never do a dumbest if i bored in SP. ummm...i think this,i try to make a plane without vertical stabiliser with @ChaMikey intruction. and my plane is just spinning in air.
crossing from yeager airport through the trenches to get to bandit island in my KBR... wasted one full hour for that
Made a gummy Bear, put 10 boom 50's in it, shoot it with a rocket,then crash my game
Tried to takeoff a passenger jet off the timy
Flying Chevy nomad
Flying waffle
Made the little pink rocket
I created an XML modded camera to about 50X its original size, including the camera box (The area where you view) it literally became the Kraken.