50.7k ChaMikey

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joined 9.2 years ago

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Welcome to my profile weary travelers! :D

Rather messy is it not? Just like myself :D sobs

well heres a bit about me ;

I'm a young temperamental guy who excels in making replicas (original designs? not as much)
I live in the Netherlands! (used to be Indonesia) and my hobbies are nonetheless creating replica vehicles and technological History!

ya boi also member of le master chat

I am now trying on making new stuff like Armored vehicles, Attack boats, Helicopters and all those non-aircraft related stuff. Dont worry, Im still gonna upload some jets and props, Leave suggestions on what planes you want to see me build right Here!

And Build progress here

I don't do regular uploads with the purpose of giving a breathing room for each of my builds to be noticed, then when it dies down I will most certainly upload another project.
or you know.. slack off

Side note : All my builds are built with High Physics settings used, be sure to change the physics to get the desired performance.

A bit of tip to creating a great replica is putting passion into your build, don't forget references, they are important for making a replica, and use your feelings, let it guide you.
Secondly, Don't be afraid to ask for help! Critics and suggestions can take you one step closer into creating a fine build.

Thats all I gotta say, Cheers people!

Update :

I just re-logged in to the game after a year of in-activity and It gave me a huge smile on my face to see the amount of people still active and making amazing builds. To anyone reading this, worry not, am not ded lol. Simpleplanes has become too heavy for my laptop and it keeps crashing every 5 minutes, alas, I can't make anymore builds without breaking my table in half during the process.

I'm saving up for either a gaming laptop or a pc depending on what suits me better. Until then I'll see you guys! Stay healthy in these crazy times ;)