Right, so here I am sitting down when I think to myself "Rory, what could you do to get something really going on the simpleplanes community (as if there wasn't enough stuff already) in the form OF A COMPETITION?". So here I am, presenting the question to you, what should we do for a challenge and who wants to take part in a best-of-three?
Thanks :) @Shmexysmpilot
I just uploaded a challenge..
clickable link to challenge
@TheNightmare No problem :)
Thanks for the help
Right, guys, we're doing the combination of all your ideas (thanks for the success criteria to...)
@TheNightmare How about a challenge based 3 criteria:
-Handling This is by far the most important. Without it, you dont have a working vtol
-Looks We should try our best on making it look good. Not based on detail, but on how it looks relative to its detail
-Function Is it able to do what it is meant to do. This could be racing, fighter, assaulter, etc.
I think it would be funny to do a really different challenge. Instead of like best modern fighter or race plane. Make something like a best kitchen appliance challenge
Im in.
@TheNightmare it's hard to do dogfights and races with vtols... Usually for challenges the challenge holders judge the planes individually based on looks and handling, then choose a winner
We could do a VTOL challenge... Race, dogfight or other?
@DALS2016Sniper16 @Johndfg
@TheNightmare No problem!
Thanks guys!
@Johndfg @DALS2016Sniper16
@KnightOfAraluen @Sunnyskies thanks guys!
Actually @TheNightmare if you do this I might make an F-35 for this challenge
@Johndfg @KnightOfAraluen I like this idea as well.
I agree with @Johndfg a vtol challenge would be fun.
Let's upvote every non-drama post, so the forum page starts cleaning up.
I'm not sure if I'll participate, but it would be cool to see a challenge for VTOL planes.