26.9k Sunnyskies

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joined 9.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

I'm a certificated aircraft mechanic from the United States. I like to keep it simple when I build, keeping part counts relatively low, and forgoing the addition of lots of unnecessary bells and whistles (though sometimes I do like to go all out). I make mostly originals, but I do make some pretty good replicas on occasion. My favorite planes are USAAF/USAF warplanes, and my all-time favorite plane is the Lockheed P-38L Lightning.

Outside SimplePlanes, I am also engaged with aviation. I am a 6-year reservist with the United States Air Force under the Air Mobility Command, so I work with, and know a few things about my nation's military aircraft. I also have an FAA mechanic certificate with both airframe and powerplant ratings, allowing me to work on actual aircraft, and return them to service.

I'm a personable guy, and I'm quite friendly. Though I tend to frequently correct people when they make mistakes about topics I know well, I'm very easy to get along with. You'll also find I'm a little long-winded, and like to prattle on. My favorite thing is a bright sunny Summer day, my favorite color is sky blue, and my hidden talent is playing the piano.

I also used to curate a list of all the P-38s on this site. You can find it HERE. If you want to get yours on the list, feel free to let me know.