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A guide on how to be nice

Mod Squirrel  8.5 years ago

So my ranting has once again been summoned from the depths of hell to once again address another community matter which is oddly the same as the last one. So on the off chance people will actually take notes this time, here's another wall of text to either sleep on or complain about.

So apparently being in a state of denial is a common issue amongst some members of the community. Is it the downfall of the community? is this the end of the world as we know it? Is the whole site about to come crashing down on all those living below it?

The simple and concrete answer is... Sometimes/Maybe

I've noticed there's a handful of players that think they're above the rules and quite frankly, they need to get off their high horse and straighten up their attitude towards other players. Now stating things like this has got me a bit of hate in the past, but quite frankly, I'm past the point of giving a rats backside about it all, so I'm just going to say this.

If you have a petty little problem about users getting loads of upvotes on low part builds, that's your problem. However, that doesn't mean to say you can go out of your way to disrupt the rest of the community by saying your going to leave, or openly say your disgusted at said user and then proceed to flat out abuse the sites system to get your way.

I personally had to re-approve a users planes 5 times yesterday because some people thought they were above the site rules. Unfortunately for them, that comes under harassment, which can and from now on will lead to a temporary or permanent ban if caught in the act of reporting a plane from a particular user (I'm sure people know who that user is) which is well within the site rules.

"But they're abusing the system and don't deserve their points"

Why don't they deserve them? Because they actively go on the newest section and upvote the good planes of new users on the site to give them more attention? Oh, sorry. Let me apologise on behalf of said person. I'm sorry that they have the decency to follow the site rules. I'm sorry they have the kindness within themselves to actively help out new players. I'm sorry that they're better than those that want to put down said person.

Those people that abuse the site know and actively let other users down know who they are. In fact, they openly admit that they push the boundaries of the rules, but only to the point where they believe they aren't breaking them. Which is ironic considering they are in fact breaking them.

Now to be blunt and honest, I don't care if you have loads of upvotes, but build small part count planes. Especially if you're being nice to the community. However, I do have a problem with people irrationally kicking up a fuss like a 5 year old because they think someone doesn't deserve something. That's toxic. I don't care if you build good planes or consider yourself a veteran in the community because at the end of the day breaking the site rules and abusing the system is a hell of a lot worse. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be surrounded by nice people and bad builds, that toxic people and good builds. So I'll openly say this now:

If you're one of those rule breakers and like to kick up drama. Leave. Leave the site.

I can guarantee the community will be better off without you. Sure,there may be an initial fuss, the usual generic "I'm leaving because I like to bully people" post. Yeah, people might miss you. But at the end of the day, with new users climbing the ranks, you'll be replaced and become nothing but a distant memory... Maybe we'll even remove your planes for you, just to give you a taste of your own medicine.

And again, if you have any issues with people, inform a moderator and ask them to discuss it. If your not happy with the response, take it up with a dev, if you still aren't happy, maybe you should give your ego and ignorance a once over check.

And if you have an issue with the upvote system, here's a Hovis handy hint:

There's a contacts link at the bottom of the page, where you can do this thing called messaging the developers to get across solutions to any problems you or the site has.

So don't make a forum post causing drama and hate on innocent people and don't break or abuse the site rules.

Again, 90% of people reading this aren't at fault, and I'd like to give a shout out to you guys for trying against the odds to make this a better site. It really is appreciated and we need more of you guys on the site. So a big thank you to you all... I'll have to see if I can find a way to repay you guys! (I have a couple ideas in mind).

  • Squirrel

Also, for those still reading, here's a picture of a pug to spread the good vibes:

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  • Profile image
    41.8k Ren

    This comment section is a dumpster fire XD

    4.1 years ago
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    1,006 Mellons

    Can someone summarize this entire form by numbers and less than 1 sentences each

    8.4 years ago
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    227 jw1523

    @Squirrel Haha, Yeah (thanks reddit for reminding me that sub-reddit admins are called moderators)

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    Mod Squirrel

    @jw1523 correct. XD

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    227 jw1523

    Since you posted this and have "Mod" Covering your points I automatically assume your a Moderator.

    8.4 years ago
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    Are honey badgers allowed?

    8.4 years ago
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    @Squirrel So you say wot is rigged...

    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    611 GSU


    8.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,940 Mudkip

    Shia Labeof!

    8.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel it is rigged the same way pinball is rigged. If you are falling, you seem more likely to get a break. If you are winning, you never, ever get a jakdpot of spare balls.

    8.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    1,757 VanNate

    If I could, I would swear at the bullies more than a drunken sailor.

    8.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    50.7k ChaMikey


    8.5 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @Peridot saying that he manipulated other users is a bit of an over generalisation. In other words, he upvotes the stuff of new users, and while I can't say I approve of some of the things he upvotes (some were copies), he neither broke the rules or did anything inherently wrong.

    8.5 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    I know your feeling of disappointment @ForzaFanlvl4

    8.5 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    No he quit I think @Peridot

    8.5 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    Manipulated new users and newbies to upvote his stuff however he did it so that he couldn't actually be banned @Peridot

    8.5 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @AviatorCleebo oh yeah... I'm all too familiar with the WoT chat. Pretty sure that game's rigged anyway, so i stopped playing it. There's no way I can lose so many games in a row in what is supposed to be random matchmaking. Think some guy did a whole study on it and concluded that something very odd was going on behind the scenes.

    8.5 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    Unless they cheated that is like Salvador did @AviatorCleebo

    8.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel You will understand this more if you play it, but anyway. I was playing world of tanks, and killed someone without him even hitting me once. After I killed him, he called me a "lucky scrub tb" in the chat. Well, you went off alone, without help from your team, in the worst tank on your team, to attack the best person on the other team.
    And the person that killed you is the noob? When even your team is getting a chuckle out of how much you suck, just stop. Just stop it man.

    8.5 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @AviatorCleebo too right

    8.5 years ago
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    @Squirrel My rule is if someone says you don't deserve your points on any game, ignore them. If they don't shut up after that (which, quite frankly is rare) just tell them to be nice to people in the kindest way possible. The last resort is firing back, and if you do, only do it enough to make them go away. In a nutshell, if you think you need more points, look at your shoes, shut up, makes some friends and build some planes.

    8.5 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    My original comment wasn't meant to have been offensive but rather something you could learn from

    8.5 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    No you haven't brought anything to the table tell me that these are facts vs I have countered everything and gave you a list @Squirrel

    8.5 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @TehDuck Third opinion and we're continuing to go in circles. This debate is a lost cause without another outside opinion.

    8.5 years ago
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    17.3k TehDuck

    Why have you handed it on to someone else? @Squirrel

    8.5 years ago
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