I can't find them
Snowstone is almost exactly North of Yeager Airport. Maintain a 5 degree heading, and you will make visual contact.
Sky Park is exactly South of Wright Airport, it is very close to shore, and can be visually spotted from the USS Tiny.
Maywar is roughly SouthEast of Wright Airport. A 110-130 degree head should get you within visual range. Follow the islands.
Not new
Snowstone:Hard to explain Maywar:Not on mobile
You can find your way to all the islands by following chains of smaller islands.
Snowstone is almost exactly North of Yeager Airport. Maintain a 5 degree heading, and you will make visual contact.
Sky Park is exactly South of Wright Airport, it is very close to shore, and can be visually spotted from the USS Tiny.
Maywar is roughly SouthEast of Wright Airport. A 110-130 degree head should get you within visual range. Follow the islands.
Not new
Snowstone:Hard to explain
Maywar:Not on mobile
You can find your way to all the islands by following chains of smaller islands.