Heavy attacks have been sent on the mothership, SS Forces cannot keep attacking and are nearly crippled. The mothership hasn't been destroyed yet but its critically damaged. If the Mothership is destroyed. The SS Will lose the war
. Sniper16, CaptRoadsludge,1gman4evr
Jovian Moons:Areonautics3
SS (Soviet Survivors]
ssTJC, CaesiciusPlanes
No swearing
Only 3 Custom factions are allowed
Highly reccomend space builds for LOPC, Reccomend air breathers for SS (unless you want to attack earth)
Don't get mad if you lose a battle.
DO NOT ENTER IN THE ENEMY CHAT. You may get kicked out of the RolePlay
Ps meet the SS leader Here
@SimpleTechAndResearch Yes!!! And what will be the next RP?
ITS OVER! WE WON!!!!@CaptRoadsludge
@SimpleTechAndResearch and we are also going to make a spacecraft for the LOPC
@SimpleTechAndResearch And a new plane was released to transport pilots from around the world to launch sites to work on and fly spacecraft
@CaptRoadsludge Okay.
@SimpleTechAndResearch Hey, one of the rounds that damaged Titan is still in it, we will research these types of weapons and... stuff?
The first one is , the second escaped to andromeda @HKAerodynamics
Sorry I was gone for so long. Glad to hear the mother ship is down.
@CaptRoadsludge We can help rebuild her.
@SimpleTechAndResearch Titan is still in a critical condition, I am afraid we might have to scrap her...
@Sniper16 Nuke Spam not allowed
Spy Sattelites are allowed
@Sniper16 We destroyed the second mothership
The first one is now in andromeda
@Sniper16 The RP Is still going on
@Sniper16 No
@Flightsonic I DONT kNOw ... (
@SimpleTechAndResearch does it mean...
@Flightsonic Okay. It's gonna be more crazy!
Psst! Tag me in the next season ;D
@Sniper16 ok. @nukacolaquantum Yes
@nukacolaquantum ok
@1gman4evr Haha, we stopped the wormhole transport
@nukacolaquantum I'm going to need a name for it
@ssTJC meep
@1gman4evr @nukacolaquantum @SimpleTechAndResearch that was the second mothership...
You forgot the main one
First I need a name for it