I want to fly to the snow area, but I don't know where it is. Will someone please tell me? I'm where the sky park city is tho
I want to fly to the snow area, but I don't know where it is. Will someone please tell me? I'm where the sky park city is tho
@CaesiciusPlanes ok
@DisferGoatzFAILURE but how far right?
@DisferGoatzFAILURE ok
Start at Bandit Airport
Then turn right a bit
Keep on going and then you'll eventually found it
That's how I found it.
@CaesiciusPlanes huh I used the duck.inc jet and I flew a ways and I crashed into the w at er
@CaesiciusPlanes Wait I'm on mobile is it on mobile?
Oh! @BaconEggs
@Gestour It is
@Gestour It is
I don't think it's on mobile!
@CaesiciusPlanes cool thx