263 FazingBlaze

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joined 8.7 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hi, I'm FB and I have had a few other accounts that were lost in the darkness bc of pw forgetting. I am not a person who doesn't upload planes a lot bc I suck. I don't quite know what my sexuality is yet dont get mad if I post some LGBT stuff. One thing I like to say, "The ones who think are normal, are the ones who are different." or "You laugh at me for standing out, I laugh at you for fitting in." Thanks and I am FB.

My American Dream

I wanna go to Greece and study the Green mythology. I fell in love with the Greek Mythology after Percy Jackson, my favorite book.

5 things about me you might not know
I'm a nerd

I have never played a virtual Pokémon game

I almost drowned

I'm a boy scout

I have played paint ball once

one thing I don't like about SP

That people are jerks sometimes