The national emblem of Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila.
It has :
- 17 feathers on each wing
- 8 feathers on the tail
- 19 feathers right below the shield
- 45 feathers on the neck.
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika means "Unity in Diversity".
17/8/1945 or 17th August 1945 is the Independence Day of Indonesia. If you can, I can make a special plane for 17th August. No need to put the exact amount of feathers, as it will probably lag the game.
@CaesiciusPlanes Simple is fine, too many details and my laptop will probably explode.
@oDDDynamics I know :P The decal is much more complex than the plane itself.
@Sharky I do have the Fine Tuner, but I couldn't make all the details.
Build it at a normal scale and then scale it down with the fine tuner mod
Make a simpler one or its impossible
@Feanor If it's not possible, it's OK.
It should be possible for someone to build it. However, its quite complicated and will probably consist of a few hundred parts.