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14.2k CODENAMEBOB  8.6 years ago

about a month or so ago, people were getting unreasonably angry about the upvotes, and how some people got more than others. i thought that it was immature, and many people felt the same way. The issue has recently been brought back up by some users who are deleting their accounts because they think that the points system is unfair. I am personally happy to see them leave so that their toxic behavior won't influence a large amount of people. when ccooper/zed deleted their account for the first time, people went absolutely mad. the second time around, no one cared, because the community had since adjusted to people deleting their accounts. the fact that people haven't adjusted to the point system is pitiful and childish, then again, most of the people complaining about it are 5 and 6 year-olds who can't handle not having everything spoon fed to them. in my opinion, the upvote system has improved over time. at the very beginning of the site (i wasn't around for this) people hated the rating system, and reported people who gave them a lower rating than they expected. now people don't report others for giving them points, they thank them. if we could all just take a second and realize how far the community has come, and stop this childish nonsense, we'd (hopefully) be thankful for what we have. we should be thankful for the amazing devs, who have done so much with so little. we should thank each other for pointing out our weaknesses and strengths to help us grow and become better builders. there will always be toxic people, but they can easily be stopped by the moderators, or if they aren't available, you can simply block them. I'm not saying that the community is tearing itself apart, I'm saying the exact opposite. Everyone learns from their mistakes, and we need to do that right now to stop all of this hatred for others. Thank you for reading!

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    1,057 Cerdon

    I agree with you but it would be a nice feature to have a most parts section of airplanes so it would sit next to hottest newest and highest rated this would allow extremely detailed planes to be more noticed.

    8.5 years ago
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    @BogdanX It would have to be a complex system to make it fair when in reality, these internet points dont matter. I enjoy comments and being a part of the community far more than getting downloads or upvotes.

    8.6 years ago
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    @BogdanX Well, I guess it really just depends on the user. You do a really good job on the details of your planes btw. + 1 follower.

    8.6 years ago
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    @BogdanX And what I meant is that the number of parts effects the number of downloads. Complex creation cant get as many downloads because of the lag on mobile devices.

    8.6 years ago
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    @BogdanX I say this to everyone with that idea, it wouldnt work. Too many creations are highly complex and laggy, which crashes mobile devices. Anything over 800 parts (not completely sure) isnt able to be downloaded on mobile. People with mobile make up a large part of the community, and making them download before upvoting reduces the amount of points that creation would earn. My kindle cant even handle 250 parts smoothly, and anything over 300 causes a risk of crashing. So while it is a good idea, it isnt going to work for this game.

    8.6 years ago
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    @MasterManufacturing fight fire with fire

    8.6 years ago
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    You are sick and tired of drama so much that you create a drama post?

    8.6 years ago
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    @MasterManufacturing what do you mean?

    8.6 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    @KingDeadshot TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! Don't tread on me Obama!

    8.6 years ago
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    are you serious?

    8.6 years ago
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    @ForeverPie ...

    8.6 years ago
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    101k Wallaby

    Just like Donald Trump, saying it like it is!

    8.6 years ago
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    +1 8.6 years ago