How do I program a gun in XML to fire a set number of bullets, then never fire again? I wanna make an extra-realistic replica with an accurate ammo capacity.
How do I program a gun in XML to fire a set number of bullets, then never fire again? I wanna make an extra-realistic replica with an accurate ammo capacity.
Type in BurstCount="(any number is ammo") then in timeBetweenBursts="99999999999999999"
@Sunnyskies Wow.
@Racrandall You can also bypass the reload by letting off the trigger momentarily. Kind of rendering the reload timer pointless.
@Sunnyskies Its Because The Default Wing Gun Reloads So Quick You Can't See It.
@Sunnyskies Well, they would be so bored that they blew up...
@Sunnyskies @AwesomeDesign717 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JK DON'T DO IT
@AwesomeDesign717 lol
There would still be that one guy who would seek out immortality just to do it.
@Sunnyskies If you set the time between bursts to 1000000000000000 centuries then it would be pretty realistic
@Gestour Hmm... I was hoping to avoid resorting to that method. All well. I hope no one actually waits 24 hours for the gun to reload.
Try setting the burst count to the number you want, and then the time between bursts to a really high number
@Gestour ammoCount you mean? That's what I thought too, but it never seems to actually work. Whatever value I set that to for testing, the gun just keeps firing long after it should have stopped.
One of the options is ammo.
When that number has been shot, it won't shoot again.
Pretty straight forward.
I have no idea but that would be awesome!