First of all I don't push you to make it ASAP, but we really need something like that.
When you building a replica of existing jet plane like this F3H Demon
You expecting that when you put your inlets in right place they'll get enough air to power your engines or, at least one engine.
But they don't.
And you are forced to use additional inlets that ruining the plain's exterior =(
It will be extremly helpfull if we will have xml attribute like airIntakeAmount for inlets or airConsumption for engines so we can build more realistic replicas, especially with those awesome new inlets.
I hope this will not bother you to much guys, you doing great job so far, thanks for that!
p.s. this is not best replica example I know =)
A demon is a demon. ;)
@Destroyer5713 yep, but this replica has couple of mistakes.
@AndrewGarrison IMO you don't really need to change drag model in near future, may be for the next game after SR2. You almost cured inlets problem, and if you add paint brush or custom textures like in photoshop - people will be able to get rid of assimetrical nudged 0.1 width fuselage blocks on their planes.
@VladCelTroll I agree, the drag model can be quirky at times. The game has changed so much since the drag model was written that sometimes it doesn't work well with nudged parts and complicated designs. Unfortunately, re-writing the drag model is a huge undertaking.
@BenAtennyson bad idea. It may be interesting if engine do not gets air at all, but if it's only small lack of air - engine must be operational with reduced power.
@BenAtennyson why completely remove? We need some visual indicator for lack of air.
im glad we have these intakes though, my saber won't need 6 intakes on the fuselage now!
this. brilliant idea man, well thought. @VladCelTroll
@AndrewGarrison that awesome news, thanks a lot!
Okay, this will be improved in the next update. I have changed it so that inlets will generate at least some air intake even if they are completely embedded inside another part. You may need to stuff some more inlets in there to meet your engine requirements, but you can hide those so you're not compromising your replica's visuals.
@MechWARRIOR57 @Yeger @Nexus24680 thanks for your support!