A VTOL engine 0.70 in height (Completed by JacobHardy64)
3 Beacon lights scaled to the size in the link and assigned to each controls
- VTOL light (About the speed of a 20% speed rotator)
- Trim
- Throttle Light
- Fire Guns (a slow strobe light)
-Landing Gear (same light style as the Fire Guns)
Here is the light link
You'll get full credit and a mention in my next build
@Razr Ah, I'll have to do that later
Those will work for my other lights but I would like the door light to be the same size as the light linked @Flightsonic
@Razr I already have these arranged from a while back ;D
@Flightsonic could you work on the lights (could you also add a little smaller fire guns light)
You have to assign those inputs in the XML. It's strange that what you have to change in the XML, but if I had the opportunity to do it, I wouldn't know a thing @oDDDynamics
I'm sorry, I don't know how to do some of these.