I was testing the eject system on one of my planes and afetr I ejected I let the plane spin out of control BUT just before it hit the ground three or four Unidentified Objects flew into it an blew it up then kept flying away
there was NO AI Aircraft in the area Except for one 15miles away that did not have weapons
@Brields95 Oh cool
@Booster456 Yeah, and it was before i built a design off of the Enemy.
@Clawsome its okay.
is it really hard to go into target system and post a pic of that?
i mean if it doesn't show that means something has been done by our lovely devs XD
lways take pictures
I used to have a iPod too!! What a coincidence!! :D@Clawsome
Same here!! I have an iPhone 6s, and it can handle 5 airplanes with almost no lag too!!!@Clawsome
@HKAerodynamics I know. I just used to have an ipod that couldn't even handle one ai. I apologize if my excitement at having my first phone is a bit... Patronizing.
@Brields95 That is really weird to
About 1 minis after takeoff @CaesiciusPlanes
@CaesiciusPlanes Wright airport
Come to think of it, I did see something a couple days ago. I was flying from Wright to Yeager and had my targetting system set to Air to Air so that I could keep an eye out for any aircraft in my area. A grayish jet that looked similar to the Enemy flew under my right wing head on. It didn't show up on my IFF, so I only saw it at the last second.
@Clawsome I'm on a measeley New Fire...
@Clawsome it's just a joke...
That's only some mobile devices. My phone (6s) can handle more than 5 with barely any lag. @HKAerodynamics
@joeysellers @KingDeadshot I'm glad I'm on mobile! Where nukes do not exist and no more than 2 small planes can spawn at a time without me throwing my device at the wall due to lag!
@KingDeadshot This is why we bought curtains. It was our subtle way of breaking up with our peeping-tom stalkers.
@KingDeadshot I'll never tell.
Yeah that not that I really get that But Yes ThAT! @Gestour
Probably just an artifact of the physics engine inaccurately predicting the imminent demise of your plane. @Booster456
yeah what I saw was not even a plane just three or for long sharp things came fly through at high speed and blew up my plane the kept going away really weird @Gestour
I sort of expect to see flying things in a flight simulator, but yeah, it was a little weird. Definitely not something I had built. @Booster456
Ha thats weird @Gestour
I saw a UFO in the game a while back. I tried to catch up to it to see what it was, but it was gone by the time I turned around.