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Special Fonts/Text Features/Clickable Links

3,264 FuryionAircraft  8.3 years ago

WARNING: FuryionAircraft is not responsible for any loss of sanity trying
to make these work. Because sometimes they don't, and it gets frustrating.
If loss of sanity is present, seek help from loved ones, or in extreme
cases, a counselor/psychologist.


All you do is either put





On both sides of the phrase, like this:


They do stack, even with themselves. But it may be a bit tricky to get them to work.

Sometimes they don't even need to be on both sides, but it's probably better to put them both sides anyway.

Clickable Links

They work like this

[link name, or the text that you want to be clickable](the-link-that-you-want-it-to-go-to)

Also, Images.

They work a little differently

![name of the image](the-link-for-the-image)

don't use back quotes whe you're actually doing it

If you don't want text to format

Put a \ before the... marky things

For instance, I don't want this to be formatted.
\`So I put a backslash before it.`
But you can't see it. But it's there. It's silently sucking up all the markup magic.


It's best to use big font on a seperate line for higher chance of success -@BACconcordepilot