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How to land on carrier?

23.0k ColonelStriker  8.6 years ago

My means (currently) for landing on a carrier is via VTOL aircrafts or extremely lucky attempts. How to land properly?

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    26.9k Sunnyskies

    I'm pretty good at it.
    It's all about understanding your aircraft's minimum sustainable level flight throttle, Low-speed characteristics, and braking distances.
    I typically use aircraft with low wing loading, and high maximum sustainable angle-of-attack. Having the plane equipped with flaps also helps. I carefully vary the throttle as I approach to keep me as slow as I can be without sinking or stalling, then I cut the throttle just shy of the carrier to let the plane stall onto the deck. Brakes are applied immediately, and I use the rudders and wheels to zig-zag, which greatly increases the rate of speed loss. If I'm going too fast, I'll kick the rudder hard to induce a ground loop on the deck, since the spin will slow the plane down very quickly.
    General Tips:
    -Approach from the rear
    -Stall onto the deck
    -Brake early
    -Retract any flaps the moment you land
    -Retracting the landing gear can help if your belly is smooth
    -Parachutes are extremely useful
    -Car wheels can brake much harder
    -Bouncy suspension can cause you to kangaroo off the deck
    And of course
    -Know your plane!

    +1 8.6 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    Try using Landing Skis.

    +1 8.6 years ago
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    8,354 arcues

    parchute air breaks landing flaps git gud

    +3 8.6 years ago
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    You need a slow flying aircraft, and parachutes can help.

    +1 8.6 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    How to land 101:
    Git gud
    It's actually pretty easy, even with pesky keyboard controls

    +1 8.6 years ago