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My Vacation to Graphoenwer

21.2k HKAerodynamics  8.5 years ago

Hey everyone! I have been gone for awhile on a vacation and I am back now! This is a journal of my entire Graphoenwer trip. Read only if you have the time.

We left on Tuesday 8\30\2016 at 9:45 am (ridiculously early for my family) and began our trip to burger king for breakfast. I want to get a Crosandwich, they are very delicious! We tried to leave on monday but by the time we got packed up and left, we did not have gas and thought it would be a waste to leave this late. So we got done eating some delicious breakfast at burger king while listening to "We Are All on Drugs" by Weezer. Then we picked up a few drinks and some money from the gas station and left for Graphoenwer. While on the trip we ran into plenty of problems, and when I say plenty I actually mean a ridiculous and unrealistic amount of problems... So after all that we arrived at 8:45 pm. So we took 11 hours to travel a 4 hour trip. It was dark and we could not park next to our campground (Which was ridiculous) and we were very tired... We set up the tent and went to sleep. The next day I woke from a decent sleep at around 8:00 am. This day we just felt like hanging out at the mall for the day... We got some Starbucks and a few mattress covers for the floor in the tent, hopefully it will improve the miserable living conditions we have there. We got back to the camp and improved it a bit. I felt like being useful so I hooked the entrance cover to the awning using a complicated Ram's Horn and Double Half Hitch Knot combination... It was one of those Too-much--work-for-something-so-small things... We went to bed at around 11 after eating some ice cream sandwiches. The next day we hung around the park for awhile and chilled until about 4 o clock when we went Kayaking. It was my second time kayaking but I could not keep the kayak straight in the water, I think it was the kayak that was the problem. We had some pizza in the tent and went to bed. We got up fairly early next morning and ate more Crosandwiches (because they are my weakness) and loaded up in the car to go to Nuremberg! Nuremberg is said to be one of the most German of all the German cities, I guess we will find out when we get there. There is a special sausage that is legally made ONLY In Nuremberg. (just more ridiculous) So we went to see all the sights (but we only got to 2) and had a great time! We got home very late at around 11 and conked right out on the ground. The next day we got up early and went to the main checkpoint: Prague! We had left early enough to get there at about 2 in the afternoon. There was so much to see! We started out driving to some of the attractions at the edge of the city and then we managed to find a parking space in close proximity to the Charleston Bridge. We got out and walked across the bridge, there were loads of statues, street performers, catholics, poor and homeless people, stray dogs, mosquitoes, drunken people waving at us out of the tops of limousines, and PARTY BOATS! after the 45 minutes we spent on a 100 foot long bridge, we came to a small street lined with plenty of markets and shops. Afterwards we came to a square with a tall tower and a dome, snapped a few pictures and travelled to the old town. There were winding alleys bustling with color and business. We got to a very large square with a famous clock that chimes every hour that features the 12 apostles. There was also a grand, Gothic tower rocketing over the square! It was quite the sight. The time was now midnight when we got back to the van and went on the drive home... I hope I get enough sleep for tomorrow... We woke up and checked the forecast. Apparently there will be rain today. We decided to break camp a day early so we wouldn't have to air the tent out when we get home. Before we broke camp, I wanted to go on the High Ropes course. We got over there just in time for the course at 2 o clock, signed the liability waiver that basically states that if you die its not our fault, and went outside! The instructor helped us suit up and ran us through the basics. This is my first time on a High Ropes Course and I am very excited! We went up the tower into the trees and I began the ropes course. There are four different paths: Yellow (beginner) orange (easy) Red (Intermediate) and green (hard). There is also an optional course: Black (on a warning sign: physically challenging) which I did not go on. I finished evey one of the main courses! And at the end, my time was 43 minutes and not a single failure on any obstacles. The instructor said I did better than most soldiers she had seen. It was so much fun and so worth it to go down the zip lines at the end. It was a great experience challenging my physical abilities and balance to this ropes course and I look forward to doing another one soon. Afterwards, I went back to camp and helped break the rest of it down and we went home. We got back at around midnight and just flopped down on our beds, thinking of the next time we will have an amazing experience just like this one...

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    DANG! your still ahead of me......I WILL CATCH UP I SWEAR!!!!!!

    8.4 years ago
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    @HKAerodynamics what is her new one

    8.4 years ago
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    @HKAerodynamics Well thankfully she made a new account to use on Simpleplanes. Make sure she doesnt tel ANYONE. even on unlisted post's but that's up to you

    8.4 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @foxythegamer12 she did not. She made a new one because there is something wrong with it and she cannot enter her home page. It was weird.

    8.4 years ago
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    did your sister ever get her simpleplanes account back??

    8.5 years ago
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    Good Vacation! :D how is eveengineering? I guess she'll get her account soon considering that Andrew and Joey started unbanning people once they reached a certain age

    8.5 years ago
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    That's really something! @HKAerodynamics

    8.5 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    That's quite a vacation you had there!

    8.5 years ago
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    @JoddyFubuki788 @Ephwurd @SimpleTechAndReaserch

    8.5 years ago