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What should be added in a future update.

1,930 UmbyTheZombeonYT  8.2 years ago

Ok, I mentioned this before, but why not mention it again, because of the new Forums layout might be hiding my last post.

A really nice idea would be Weather Effects.
Not just clear skies, to full clouds, but rain, wind and waves on water (Waves should be an optional feature id added, cause it might be a pain for graphics and rendering.). Make it where you can toggle it, this can make flight quite challenging. Like at an airport, you get a head wind or tail wind, or side wind. When a storm comes, actual rain falls, the wind buffers the aircraft around, or shoves it into the ground like a Micro Burst.

I understand if some of these ideas are too hard, or not gonna happen for various reasons, but if you could take them into consideration, I'd be satisfied.