1,932 UmbyTheZombeonYT

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joined 8.8 years ago

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Me Myself and I, what else can I say?

I build small scale fictional ships. Inspired by ChasingHorizon and Halphas, with their top quality ships. When I build my ships, I'm not a quality freak, I focus on ship performance, and user friendly features such as, not causing too much FPS lag. I try to build other things, mostly experimental things...most of those things I won't upload, usually cause they're pointless, performance killing, or just cause they don't work.

SimpleRockets Profile

This is a list of all my creations...well...only 2 of them are not mine.

Best Ship so far: X-5B Amberosa - The Nightmare Ship

Favorite Ship I've Made: X-01 Ionium Praedetorian Stage

Hardest ship to Build/Modify: X-1997 Akalite's Dive Version