1,932 UmbyTheZombeonYT Comments

  • GAMF-02A Camille 7.0 years ago

    I pressed F10 with this, my game exploded, my PC exploded, my house exploded. lmao great creation

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 7.0 years ago

    1 away from 666 votes, I'm tempted to make my vote :3

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 6.8 years ago

    @AdlerSteiner @Fireenderrei @Zombiekatze007 @The1Big1Finger1111

    I think hellfire and unstable made it clear in the past that they won't make an Android/iOS version, and i believe they no longer respond to that kind of request 'cause it's very annoying.

  • ISC_Flat Map 1 8.4 years ago

    @fordzilla I can. :3
    PCs: Good sides: More processing power, great graphics and audio drivers, can be upgraded and repaired directly and indirectly. Bad sides: Can not connect to "phone towers" easily, if not at all, if laptops, they require recharging, unlike desktops. If a desktop, power goes out, PC goes out, if laptop, it stays on, but no wifi.
    Phones: Good sides: Very mobile, can connect to wifi hot spots easily, can use tower services, somewhat better way to waste time on the go. Bad sides: Not very good graphics drivers, somewhat crappy audio drivers and crappy output, most of them need frequent recharges, does not fully support mods depending on the device, bad weather will knock out your signal, bad areas will drop signal.
    Pros and Cons to both, but PCs are better...and yes, I took 10 minutes to type this out...lol.

  • AH-64D Apache Longbow 7.0 years ago

    It works, but it can't even leave the ground.

  • USSR T-54/55 1968 Prague REALTRACK 7.2 years ago

    The most amazing, yet most fragile tank ever made. You win my vote m8

  • Inhabited SpaceCraft With Real Cockpit 8.4 years ago

    I removed the solar panels and stuck the wings on the back...perfectly flyable. I also stuck parachutes on the front and landed it perfectly! XD

  • How to select every part of the plane at once 8.4 years ago

    It's fake...just painted...flies great though.

  • Submarine B23 8.5 years ago

    Hey, this is a nice Sub...though it has lots of issues. Propeller collides with the body, fixable, but adjusts the weight in a way it should not be. Lots of unbalanced Dead Weight parts. Buoyancy is really messed up. The balance in general is also very bad if modified for another engine type. Also, barely any power to actually make a turn.

    I've made some modifications, and it works a lot easier. Though, the underside doesn't clearly look good, it serves as a counter weight. I'm not one to take someone's work like I am right now, but I'ma ask you straight up. I request permission to upload your sub, with my modifications. I'll take absolutely no credit from it, credits WILL be listed under YOUR name, and if you say so, I can and will take it down without question. If you say no, I'll be ok with that, up to you.

  • G O L D OwO 5.7 years ago

    insert OwO here

  • Blow up Ice Base From Wright Isles! 6.7 years ago

    @KASA 'cause it's a bomb and not a lock on rocket

  • Blow up Ice Base From Wright Isles! 6.7 years ago

    How in the world did you do this?! Holy sus this is dead on perfect!

  • Battleship Yamato Version 1 6.7 years ago

    4000 parts...holy sus.

  • (CL-51) USS Atlanta[End of the Line] 6.9 years ago

    @BlazeInfinity I haven't been on so frequently, so i didn't know about it.

    also, your Arizona, i saved it for you, and i'll take it down if needed.

  • (CL-51) USS Atlanta[End of the Line] 6.9 years ago

    @BlazeInfinity ...by any chance are you Chase?

  • IJN Battleship Yamato 1945 7.0 years ago

    Even my GTX 1070 has problems with this...still a great ship.

  • Amphitrite 7.0 years ago

    @WahrscheinlichIch That's nice, ship's still great. :3

  • Amphitrite 7.0 years ago

    I can't tell by the language used if this is drivable or not. I tested it out and it's amazing. I modified it to be drivable as well.

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    @thatguy407 I don't have the patience to deal with someone like you. So just move along.
    @MEERKAT978 I never said there was anything that conflicted with the site rules, did you reply to the wrong person?

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    @thatguy407 There's no point in bringing insults here. If you don't like it, then don't look at it. If the Mods and Devs upvoted it, then it's good.

  • GAMF-01 Phoebe 7.2 years ago

    @Isuckatbuildingplanes You got everyone's attention by what all you said. Here, let me end the subject by saying this.

    Everyone has their own opinions. We're free to like, love or hate something. Do not try to punish or bitterly judge others because you don't like something they made or did. If you trash talk someone like that, then everyone else has every reason to trash talk right back at you.

  • New Website 7.2 years ago

    ...i hope this will be on Steam

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.2 years ago

    @HellFireKoder @UnstableOrbit Update 1.7 broke Rockets and bombs, you can't kill players anymore...well...unless you ram them.

  • USS Arizona 7.3 years ago

    @Zerokiller3 @destroyerP

    ChasingHorizon made it, but Quit SimplePlanes. This was his best creation, so I uploaded it for people to continue using.

  • Multi role freighter 7.3 years ago

    Aye, not bad for a beginner.

  • IJN Kongo BattleCruiser 7.5 years ago

    The part count is unreal, I can't even use it on my trash PC...looks good though.

  • SimplePlanes Update 1.7 - Damage Control 7.5 years ago

    @awesomejoshy789 watch with the swearing.

    If you have it on Steam, it should auto update, or it would say there's an update waiting.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.5 years ago

    I have a problem with MP. It just recently happened. When I join, it gives me an error, and lags my game to crashing point. I don't know how to copy and paste the error, and it's far too long to type it. Is this mod down until a new update?

  • ramp/flip car from fast and furious 7.6 years ago

    First Comment! :D

    Anyways, this is pretty noice m8, too bad ya can't actually use it to flip or slide under other people's aircraft on MultiPlayer...straight suicide for both you and the other guy XD

  • I broke the game..... look below 7.6 years ago

    L33T M8

  • I'm still here. 7.6 years ago

    @Testin123 hai

  • I'm still here. 7.6 years ago

    @ChasingHorizon Aircraft is something I'm not really good at, but I'll work on it.

  • X-1997 Akalite - Ion Nation 7.9 years ago

    @Testin123 Heh, thanks.

  • Do-400-C Posiedon 7.9 years ago

    @TheOwlAce Ye...life of a hardcore gamer with a potato for a PC.

  • Do-400-C Posiedon 7.9 years ago

    @TheOwlAce oh, lol...for me...anything with a part count of 300+ is laggy.

  • Do-400-C Posiedon 7.9 years ago

    @TheOwlAce ....uhhh, why was I mentioned here? I don't believe I commented here before.

  • X-5B Amberosa - Ion Nation 7.9 years ago

    @Halphas Eh...true...where I came up with the story of gold stuff is still a mystery to me. I just pull them out of thin air

  • I'm Back - Took a break from SP 7.9 years ago

    @SkullsAndCrossbones @ChasingHorizon Just made an air boat...

    Now...a Navy...That I can sum up.

  • Wolf Eating a Watermelon! 7.9 years ago

    @Joco80 No prob bob

  • Wolf Eating a Watermelon! 7.9 years ago

    Why is this in my notifications?
    Answer: It's just beautiful! Nicely done!

  • Bob the normal house cat 7.9 years ago

    lool, deez replies doe

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.9 years ago

    @UnstableOrbit I see, well, at least ya took a look at it.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.9 years ago

    Yo, a bit of an annoying issue: people who use modded cockpits can be hidden from radars. Like, air to air won't find them, neither can air to ground. And ofc, they can spawn kill without even being attacked...since bullets won't do anything. Ya think that can be fixed or no?

    Also, another bug, sometimes when you kill someone, they respawn, their models don't refresh, they could still be the same shape when they died...as in...they could be destroyed plane parts scattered around, and still fly like a normal plane...probably a client side glitch...not really easy to explain either.

  • X-01 Ionium Supreas Auram Stage 7.9 years ago

    @TheLatentImage I blocked 'em already, thanks for stepping in anyways, a pleasure to have ya help out.

  • X-01 Ionium Braxen Viel 8.0 years ago

    Had enough of you...I have better things to do than argue with ya.

  • X-01 Ionium Braxen Viel 8.0 years ago

    @FarrowAirlines You must be trying very hard to make me rage quit on here...I admire your efforts, but it's not enough.

  • X-01 Ionium Braxen Viel 8.0 years ago

    @FarrowAirlines ...just quit bugging me will ya? I really don't care about what YOU think...

  • ...I swear these people... 8.0 years ago

    @BogdanX Yea, true, I'm not really in a good mood...I just want to make it clear on if ya want to reupload, just ask first...

  • X-01 Ionium Supreas Auram Stage 8.0 years ago

    @FarrowAirlines ...do you mind like not telling me how I should be doing my ships, or how to do my stories about them?

    They're not based on reality.
    They're not meant to look like what they really would be, WWII ship design, with a futuristic story.
    Some of these are old creations, so of course some of them are not that good.
    I'm not all that good with quality...I target over-all game performance, not degrading frame rates.
    I won't take orders on how I should do my stuff, 'cause no one's in charge of me.

    So please, just do me a favor and quit bugging me.