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How to: Avoid making cringy builds.

105k RailfanEthan  8.3 years ago

Many people find these builds... Well, useless and annoying. Here's how to avoid making the cringiest build ever.

  1. Don't add miniguns and jets to already perfect builds.
  2. Repainting other builds (like green and black), making it... Ugly. It's alright if your turning a P51 into something along the lines of a RAF scheme or similar.
  3. Massive wings on a small plane spells pain.
  4. Upgrading engines and making the wheels huge may seem interesting as a experiement, but you don't need to upload that. Just bumping the engines up with XML is a fun thing. Again, just changing the engine won't really make it more interesting.
  5. Cringy names include:
    Worlds fastest... Smallest ever... Best... Largest... 2000mph+ Car.... Etc.
  6. Avoid making the description offending, and go into detail about how it works and all the controls.
  7. Do your best to avoid using normal blocks. Cubes made into F1 car kinda looks odd.

That's how to make builds less cringy.