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Some blocks to add

111k hpgbproductions  8.4 years ago
1. Jet Fuselage

These allow for custom jets, like those flat and rectangular thrusters you see in movies.

2. Inverse curved block

The shape of a block minus a curved block. Can be used as part of custom inlets. Customize function not required as they can be scaled.

3. Fuselage curved transition

It would be cooler if you can set the curve intensity of a fuselage front-to-rear transition. Think of it as customizeable curved reducer blocks.

Thats all for now. Remember, things about blocks only.

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    And how about some ejectable reserve fuel tanks

    8.4 years ago
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    @Sarpanitu @RedHawk @CODENAMEBOB it should be possible, seeing how computers render 3D models and that such tech is somewhat present in the game already (fuselage block curve corners)

    8.4 years ago
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    21.4k RedHawk

    @CODENAMEBOB math back at it again ruining everything XD

    8.4 years ago
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    The curving thing is impossible, due to math and stuff

    8.4 years ago