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Tailless aircraft stability?

43.9k PlanesOfOld  8.4 years ago

I've got my tailless plane flying relatively well without any vertical stabilisation it shows a bit of wobble in rolls and when you pull out of any manouvers but that's about it, unfortunately that little wobble is very bad for this plane as it makes it lose speed and also can if you are going slow enough, cause you to crash...

Any ideas on how I can stabilise it?

I have tried an air brake at the rear and that helps, but it slows the plane down too much.... SOS

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    Search Prandtl-d (current nasa project also ama participation with free published plans) or prandtl - leader in aviation lift distribution research almost a hundred years ago. Using bell shaped lift distribution curves and manipulating tip vortex to produce proverse yaw(as opposed to adverse yaw- in other words, propulsive)

    Is this tailless wing in the database here?

    7.4 years ago
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    You can either angle the main wings if the plane is big enough (not tested) or clip lots and lots of tiny vertical stabilizer. (Tested)

    8.4 years ago
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    26.9k Sunnyskies

    @Flightsonic Cheaty solutions are the best solutions!

    +1 8.4 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Scaled wings my friend, you can find them on a lot of my recent build, they perform as if they're a massive wing too

    8.4 years ago
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    2,985 Clawsome

    Bigger wings? (I have no idea)

    8.4 years ago