In the cockpit a pilots head would rotate trying to stay upright as long as they can. So if the planes at a 45 degree angle the pilot is prabably going to be looking vertical but the plane rotates any more they are going to rotate along with the aircraft because of the restrictions of the cockpit. also they would also be experiencing G effects like blackouts/redouts.
I think if this were to be part of the game it would be a option on the cockpit itself or in the settings because not all of us like simulator style flying.
Also can there be a option where you don't need to hold the mouse down to look around in the cockpit it helps make sim style flying Easyer.
Yup that's why I think it would make a good option because my aircraft feature cockpits and moving parts @Sunnyskies
I think slight head movement would be cool. Like moving back when accelerating or moving down when pitching up.
Sim style flying is only fun when you have things in the cockpit to interact with.