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Release of STL to XML model converter

2,467 QContinuum  8.3 years ago

HI, everyone. I believe that only a few of you still remember the open source STL to XML wireframe converter matlab program I put on the forum, but I think most of you have already seen my new Rainbow Dash airplane post. You may wonder how could I biuld such a complex high poly model with Simpleplanes. STL to XML Model Converter, that's the answer. Worked for a long time and I finally figured out how blocks transforming in the game, and how to mathmetically create blocks with orientation as expected.
I compiled the software this time so that you don't need to have a Matlab to run it. The installation package contains the Matlab runtime, so it is more than 600MB large. If you have Matlab already, you may download the zip file which contains only the program files, or youcan download the m file which you can look inside and see how the program works.
The program can only read ASCII format STL files, binary STL files WILL NOT WORK
BTW for fellow bronies, I'm working on a MLP SCience Analysis video now, just start it... please check it out... I mean, if you want to... *squeak~

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    10.7k luciozanassi

    Hey Continuum, are you still here?

    5.9 years ago
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    34.5k Hayhayjam664

    Mm ok, would taking the save file directly from the game and exporting it into a converter work or would that have the same issues proposed below? @QContinuum

    6.9 years ago
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    2,467 QContinuum

    @Hayhayjam664 Nah.... That probably won't happen. Since the XML file only specify the key properties of the parts instead of the model, it would be really hard for me to make such program. If such program can only convert fuselage blocks, it would be easier, however if we need to convert other parts, theoretically we need to reverse-engineering part of the game which would probably have some copyright issue.

    6.9 years ago
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    34.5k Hayhayjam664

    are you going to make a xml to stl?

    6.9 years ago
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    2,467 QContinuum

    This will definitely work:

    8.3 years ago
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    2,467 QContinuum

    The program read stl triangle faces and convert them to fuselage blocks. There's something wrong with the code reading stl files I think but I am not sure what is wrong yet. Sometimes it works sometimes it won't work. I think it is possible that ascii stl files have different types and the program has limit reading different stl files. May I have a sample facet loop from the stl file you are using to see if it is a file reading problem?@Gestour

    +1 8.3 years ago
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    128k Hyperloop


    8.3 years ago
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    26.9k Sunnyskies

    @QContinuum I figured out the problem. The links had underscores in them, and this site uses those to format text into italics, so they got eaten. I was able to figure out where they go by looking at where the tilting starts, and downloaded it just fine.

    8.3 years ago
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    2,467 QContinuum

    I think it shouldn't count as a mod since it can't directly associate with the game so I put it here@Gestour

    8.3 years ago
  • Profile image
    2,467 QContinuum


    8.3 years ago
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    26.9k Sunnyskies

    @QContinuum The mega links you posted for the installation are telling me the decryption key is wrong.

    8.3 years ago
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    2,467 QContinuum

    .m file:!JwtSnAJT!89-2CWt6XzVJ7krislH2kgze5g4dtjhBLYVqmfQK_GU

    8.3 years ago
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    2,467 QContinuum

    Zip file:!Jp11wbhD!g5DsHmC6yYj28z9dULYeSueYITqoto0ro8gSLrj2HQ
    Installation file!VwsQxDRI!M

    +1 8.3 years ago