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Weapon fuse / activation delay options

160 BND1  8.4 years ago

I think that it would add to the weapon experience if in the options for the weapons, an activation delay or fuse delay could be activated and set.
This would be useful for things like bomb bays loaded with missiles, so the missile could drop for, say, 1 second and then activate its engine and power towards the target. This could also work with bombs; they hit the ground, and then after a set delay... BOOM!

Please share you're views on this.

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    Add "ignitionDelay" variable into the missile by entering overload and selecting missile and then set the time for the missile to drop before activating! I don't think there is an option for bombs though.

    1.3 years ago
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    26.9k Sunnyskies

    @t8erh8er This is true. I've made several designs utilizing this. Detachers can supply enough force to kick something out of the missile bay before any forward momentum builds up.

    +1 8.4 years ago