Pretty awfully built, but it picks up points in the last two categories for functioning somewhat well, and having a handling with some thought put into it. Still suffers from poor pitch torque.
Size/Shape - 2/10
Aesthetic - 1/10
Functionality - 5/10
Performance - 5/10
Overall - 4/10
This was a comment about my p38 that was the first build I ever made. I was learning, for Pete's sake! Have some kindness for new players! Yeesh people. Encourage them, give them tips show them that we're people who like playing a game, not some judge in a dusty wig sitting behind a creaky desk! Upvote if you agree.
@RedstoneAeroAviation learned the first three, I have yet for the last. I download, then disassemble. Doesn't really work to well.
@Justakidwithadream use fuselage blocks. Learn XML and also try to make every single functions on your aircraft work properly. And lastly spend your time on researching how to build stuff by downloading other users aircraft or vehicle or anything! :D
@RedstoneAeroAviation thanks, any tips/build ideas
@Justakidwithadream just to clarify. Youre first plane are good.
@RedstoneAeroAviation I'm not that... whatever. No offense.
My first aircraft was so bad that I gave up on it 9 months ago and I still hate my first ever aircraft
@Sunnyskies how come your going to bed at 12:30 am?
@Sunnyskies oh
@Justakidwithadream I'm Eastern Standard Time. About 12:30 AM. I'm actually going to bed right now.
@Sunnyskies nah its fine. BTW what timezone do you live in? Here its 6:54
@Justakidwithadream My bad, buddy. My first plane was pretty awful too, I'll admit. Practice makes perfect. If you like, I could rewrite my review to sound less harsh.
@Sunnyskies OK. It just felt kind of degrading.
Sorry about that. I'm pretty strict with my judgement. Especially when it comes to replica accuracy. Don't think of it as an attack on you.
Thank you @Tully2001
What he said >↓<