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Please, stop with the upvote wars

1,607 TheChosenZebra  8.2 years ago

Ive noticed today alone that a lot of people are getting annoyed at a user who has about 70 upvotes on a 10-20 part bit of work they did to help somebody even with another high scoring user leaving for a while.

Upvotes are not the only thing that matters in this community, even the biggest users make some awful creations and some of the smallest users create amazing ones, upvotes do not matter as much as most of you seem to think.

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    Im not talking about begging for upvotes in this particular post im actually talking about how people care so much about if their creation gets upvoted and value it based upon that. Sometimes the votes can be completely off due to people downloading who don't have accounts or may have liked the creation but just couldn't be bothered upvoting it. Personally im happy if 10 people download and have a mess about with my creations.

    8.2 years ago
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    I think this community is full of many rule-follower, newbie player. I never met somebody who sayed that "please upvote my work" or something like that. If you wanna support somebody 'cos you see the potential on his work why the hell not do it? You don't get less score if you upvote something wich is'nt the best creation and you dont have limited upvote number.So you'll enjoy the game much more if you don't stress about similar things :D

    8.2 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    The "Upvote" wars have been around for as long as SP has existed. There is not point (pun not intended) in trying to complain. Though the stakes have changed in the way of fighting said war. Basically iOS users have it even worse now...

    8.2 years ago
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    Hmm. If they want to spend theyr time with begging for upvotes and cheating, it's ok for me.
    But I'll enjoy my time here with helping and talking with people instead.
    It's more fun

    8.2 years ago
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    26.9k Sunnyskies

    People will see what they see, like what they like, and do what they do.
    No point in wasting energy trying to push a mountain.
    Don't stress and just roll with it.

    8.2 years ago