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More Ideas?

31.1k Spikerya  8.1 years ago

Due to my entertainment of watching random/cool documentaries, my most recent one on the Nevada Triangle, I'm thinking I'd definitely like it if weather was truly added, like conditions where they would cause issues and challenges the flight of us creators, such as wind, in varying speeds and also tornadoes, hurricanes, different styles of wind for the mountain ranges. Could it be possible?

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    31.1k Spikerya

    @AstleyIndustries I'm thinking something along the lines of not being a mod but deliberately adding it in the game from the devs, such as severe winds and gusts and rain and snow and hail and maybe more physics added in for stuff like dents or bulletholes or something, like how a part deteriorates over time due to damage because of weapons or weather

    8.1 years ago
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    @Gestour has tried Thermals, maybe something similar can be done

    8.1 years ago