i am me but what am i? am i me or am i i? or am i you but who are you? but you are me yet i am i and you are you yet there can not be two? which is true? am i i but can i? am i? is there an i? why am i i? and am i i? but else can i be but i? you? two? three? no just me? but what is me? am i me? or am i i? me is mine but i am i ? but if i am i i cant be mine? what is i? is i me? or am i i?
am i i? or am i me? and is me i? or am i not me? am i you or are you me and am i me ? or are you i?
10.1k esms1999
8.1 years ago
@AstleyIndustries correct
@TheLatentImage lol 18 over here and just lost in thought a lot
DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!! modem sounds
bluescreen of death
-_- Potato.
(Haywyre reference)
@MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation XD
@TheLatentImage lol
Having an extra chromosome seems to get out of hand sometimes it seems...
And what the heck you doing?