I don't do replicas as most of you know, here's why.
1) To much specs, I hate specifications they take too long to master. Then you have people going off on how that "the wingspan is one foot off" or " the color scheme is incorrect"
2) Not fun. It is not fun to make a plane that has been posted 100+ times. It is much easier to make one that hasn't been posted 100+ times.
3) Creativity. There is none in replicating
3 reasons 3 answers
@MechWARRIOR57 oh
you said "I guess you proved your point, there is none. Just parts of planes mashed together. Like a casserole"
so I said "or a part fajita" @NativeChief1492
@MechWARRIOR57 ???
or a part fajita @NativeChief1492
@Sunnyskies Good to have some input from a respected builder
Personally, I find joy in going to my calculator to make every piece fit just right.
Endless nudging and adjustment. Checks and rechecks, feeling excited as the shape gets closer and closer to what you want it to be. I find it all very satisfying.
But, maybe I'm biased. I work on real planes for a living now. And everything is very precisely engineered. You got a torque wrench in one hand, and a micrometer in the other. Ready to spin each nut to exactly the correct tightness, spaced exactly the correct distance from the next. Flipping pages on the maintenance manual, finding all the numbers you need to make that plane airworthy again. I love it.
And about creativity, trying to get everything precise with a limited set of parts can force you to come up with some creative solutions.
But all that is just my opinion. Do your best with what you like.
@BogdanX I guess you proved your point, there is none. Just parts of planes mashed together. Like a casserole
@BogdanX So true. I just kicked my own butt answering my own question . . . wow I just confused the heck out of my self
@BogdanX Yes, I am not one to challenge myself. Partially because I find that there is a lack of creativity in replicating. And I would much rather come up with an original design.
@XxcreedexX Yeah, but it's more easy to make your own creations. That's what I think at least.
@BaconEggs lol
I think this is basically the opposite of the 3 reasons I do replicas ;)
@SkullsAndCrossbones 8,999 points