A few days ago I announced that I was going to design an architectural concept. I hinted that I was going to use SP for it.
However I cannot, as this project involves a lot of shapes that SP could not make, so I am using an actual modeling program for this project. This is what I have so far. The project is only in its infancy, so it isn't great yet.
Either that or a small glass mansion, depends. @Swiftsure @AstleyIndustries
@AstleyIndustries yeah maybe
@Swiftsure looks like a mall to me
@spefyjerbf it looks nice. Looks like it could be museum. Museum of spefy
@Swiftsure Yes, I am designing it as a concept (the curves and the structure overall would most likely be impractical due to how hard it would be to construct). The building isn't designed for any specific use.
And your designing it? What's it going to be?