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Customizable Engines and Landing Gear

104k Dllama4  8.0 years ago

Customizable Engines:
I think that they should add jet engines that you could edit the width, height, and length with. Like a "fuselage engine". What do you think? I think that they should also allow you to edit the ammount of thrust and allow you to change the corners (smooth, hard, etc.).

Customizable Landing Gear:
I also would like to have customizable landing gear. To make it easier for us to make custom landing gear with wheels, fuselage, and hinge rotators we could have customizable landing gear that allows us to edit the length, the style of doors, the style of the wheels , and the style of the thing the wheel is attached to.

What do you think? Give me your opinion!

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    use fine tuner tbh

    4.5 years ago
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    That would be so much easier

    5.4 years ago
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    I like the idea of a feuselage engine! It would definitley be easier than XML.

    8.0 years ago
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    Maybe custom wing landing gears

    8.0 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Yep. :P @BirdOfSteel

    8.0 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    @KDS nah you get the parts build it thats how ''simple'' planes work changing the lenght height and stuff like that would be for lazy people :P

    8.0 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Hmmm, We can make our own custom gear. Though I like the custom engine idea. Might make it a little easier then XML modding it.

    8.0 years ago