@BaconEggs we get google chromebooks at my school-our principal is a nun ( it's literally hell! ) and doesn't understand tech. That's helpful as I constantly just have nothing tri do and 2 hours left in the day so I just get on hre, log in and upvote stuff.
SPED? Well, I got a VPN on my school computer, so I can go on this website, and many others, like por-
I wouldn't. But I also got my chrome background I have at home, so that's neat.
Speaking of stupid things, I had a classmate in my woods clas cut a pice of wood that was 1in wide by 2in long, on the chop saw, not once, not twice but 6 to 7 times!
@blackvultureaeroespace insertfacepalmhere
One of my friend said he wanted to work as a porn actor.
@ForeverPie lel
except nobody in my SPED class is disabled, it's just that most of them are jerks.
yep @Alienbeef0421
@ForeverPie I know dude the SPEDs here in PH are for the mentally and physically disabled.
@Alienbeef0421 @Verterium Special Ed
@BaconEggs we get google chromebooks at my school-our principal is a nun ( it's literally hell! ) and doesn't understand tech. That's helpful as I constantly just have nothing tri do and 2 hours left in the day so I just get on hre, log in and upvote stuff.
SPED? Well, I got a VPN on my school computer, so I can go on this website, and many others, like por-
I wouldn't. But I also got my chrome background I have at home, so that's neat.
Charlie Charlie are you here?
Eew, no. No demons for me, thanks.
@EliteIndustries1 lmfao the same happened to a dude at my school😂😂
Special Ed? Or is SPED something else?
SPED Class? Are you handicapped or something?
Speaking of stupid things, I had a classmate in my woods clas cut a pice of wood that was 1in wide by 2in long, on the chop saw, not once, not twice but 6 to 7 times!
Wut. XD